R...Rajkumar is a power-packed romance drama featuring a roadside ruffian, Romeo and how love turns his otherwise simple and aimless life into a high-octane action adventure! The film begins with Romeo Rajkumar, who relocates to a small town named Dhartipur, which is ruled by two drug barons Shivraj and Manik respectively. Romeo starts working for Shivraj, hoping his life will change for good. However, cupid strikes when he crosses path with the beautiful and educated girl Chanda! He falls head over heels in love with her unaware that she was raised by her uncle, Shivraj s arch enemy, Manik! The situation turns worse when Shivraj gets attracted to Chanda and desires to marry her. Chanda by now has fallen in love with Romeo and refuses to marry Shivraj, but her uncle pays no heed to her wishes. Now it s up to Romeo to fight for his love against Shivraj and Manik s henchmen! Will he triumph in this action-packed romance drama?