Tarun, an architect moves in with his family to a luxurious bungalow. His wife Namrata's curiosity over the seemingly low rent is quashed by their kids who readily approve of the new house. The 8 year old daughter Nimmi has a doll already in the house as a friend and an imaginary friend by the name of Shabbu. The parents suspect Nimmi's playfulness and wild imagination as the reason for her new 'friends' but they soon start worrying and decide to consult a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist explains Nimmi's imaginary friend as a result of her loneliness and terms it as a common technique used by children to grab attention. Things start getting weirder when the house help disappears! Will the parents be able to find out what's going on in the house or is it all their imagination?
Smoking, Alcohol, Frightening Scenes, Violence